“At Centered Financial you have direct access to the people making investment decisions in your portfolios. This way your investment experience is always centered on the objectives defined in your financial plan.”
-Jeran Van Alfen, CFP™
Investment portfolios for every stage of investing from
beginner to advanced.
These are Centered Financials’ foundational investment portfolios for every investor. If you are new to investing or looking for a simple, efficient investment strategy, this is a great place to start!
Our Essential Portfolios are custom designed investment models focused on long-term strategic asset allocation and global diversification.
The models utilize exchange-traded funds to provide a low cost, efficient, index-based investment experience.
We utilize a partnership with Betterment to deliver an investor-driven interface with automated trading, rebalancing, and tax coordination.
Options: High-Yield Cash Reserve, General Investing, Retirement Accounts
Risk Allocations: Preservation, Low Volatility, Balanced Income, Balanced Growth, Moderate Growth, Growth, Equity